search() and searchform()

Full text search in all articles with a single word or an expression with AND and/or OR. The search term is de value of parameter term or the value of qs/url parameter "s". You can filter the results and add a HTML format to show the results. searchform() is used to display en search form.


search for articles with term, can also be an expression (see examples)
use querystring parameter "s"

filter articles from one author by loginname

filter articles between 2 published dates, separated by ' .. ' or after first date or before last date

filter articles between 2 created dates, separated by ' .. ' or after first date or before last date

filter articles between 2 modified dates, separated by ' .. ' or after first date or before last date

displaying resources:

Use custom HTML format with references to parts of the selected article. You can refer to a part of the article by tagname and index between []. For example [h1] for the title or [h2] for the first heading 2 or [p] for the first paragraph. Add a dot-number to specify other tag elements. [h2.3] for the third heading2 or [p5] for the fifth paragraph. [url] gives you the addres of the article and can be used within the href attribute of the a tag for a hyperlink. [date] can be used for the published date of the article. [photo.N] for the n-th photo of the article. You can use this same parameter with article().

ratio: ...
Only applicable when [photo] is used in format. Preferred ratio or 'cover' for photos (default= 3:2).

order= "rating | title | label | field | published | modified | created"
Use another order instead of the default "rating"

max number of articles to display (default=10)

select article number nr or all articles between 2 numbers, separated bij ' .. '


search(format='<a class="find-item" href="/[url]"><h2>[title]</h2><div class="intro">[p]</div></a>')