
Find articles and display in them in a list or as items. You can for example make a list with <ul> <li> or with <a> html items. Find articles based on their label(s), title, author or date (published, created or modified)


selecting resources:

type="article | photo | document | video"
Type of resource to find. (default:'article')

Find resources by label or label expression with AND OR NOT (default: label from url)

find resources from one author by loginname

find rsrc between 2 published dates, separated by ' .. ' or after first date or before last date

find rsrc between 2 created dates, separated by ' .. ' or after first date or before last date

find rsrc between 2 modified dates, separated by ' .. ' or after first date or before last date

displaying resources:

Use custom HTML format with references to parts of the selected article. You can refer to a part of the article by tagname and index between []. For example [h1] for the title or [h2] for the first heading 2 or [p] for the first paragraph. Add a dot-number to specify other tag elements. [h2.3] for the third heading2 or [p5] for the fifth paragraph. [url] gives you the addres of the article and can be used within the href attribute of the a tag for a hyperlink. [date] can be used for the published date of the article. [photo.N] for the n-th photo of the article. You can use this same parameter with article().

ratio: ...
Only applicable with format [photo]. Preferred ratio or 'cover' for photos (default= 3:2).

order= "title | label | field | published | modified | created"

max number of items to display (default=10)

select resource number nr or all resources between 2 numbers, separated bij ' .. '




Find articles with label from url ordered by published date
format per item: '<a href="/[url]"><h2>[h1]</h2>[photo]<p>[p.1]</p></a>'

find(label="nieuws" format="<li>[h1]</li>" max="100")

find(label="nieuws", dates="01-01-2022 .. 31-12-2022")